Displaying Reports

Reports consist of text, key images and attachments. Each of these can be displayed in the report panel.


Displaying Report Text


When a study loads into the viewer, it includes the report if one is available on the server. Once the server has the report data, it makes it available in the viewer’s report panel.


Report text for prior exams come from a variety of sources:


There are two ways to display a report:


Patient Folder


Select an exam from the tabs on the left to display report in viewing area or hover over the Reports tab for a pop-up report (highlighted).



Report Panel


Select the main report tab (highlighted) to display the report in the main viewing area.




Displaying Attachments


If the study includes scanned documents or other forms of attachments, they appear in the Attachments tab of the patient folder, in the thumbnail panel and in the report panel under a tab labeled Attachments.


There are three ways to display attachments:


Patient Folder


Click the attachment thumbnail (highlighted) to display the document in the patient folder’s view area.





Report Panel


Select the Attachments tab (highlighted) to display the document in the report panel view area.




Thumbnail Panel


Click and drag scanned document or attachment into an available image frame to display.




If configured to display documents in the thumbnail panel, each attachment appears as an icon in the thumbnail panel. This can be enabled in theSettings panel  in the Tools/Options area.




See: Thumbnail Panel


The attachment view areas support three display modes:


Display Mode


Full image mode

Display the image at full resolution, adding vertical and horizontal scroll bars to reposition the viewable area.

Page-width mode

Fit the page width to the image area, adding a vertical scroll bar if necessary.

Full page mode

Fit the entire image to the image area.


To change the display mode:

  1. Position the cursor over the image view area

  2. Click the left mouse button

The modes advance from page-width to full image to full page to page-width.


Note: The patient folder’s view area, the main image area and the report panel’s attachment tab’s view area launch the application appropriate for the attachment’s file type.


The viewer is able to display three types of attachments:


PDFs can be displayed:

JPEG or DICOM objects can be displayed:

If the attachment is an image (JPEG file or DICOM object), position the mouse over the thumbnail to display the attachment at a readable resolution. For non-image file types (PDF file), the attachment’s file name appears. The setting to embed PDF documents into the browser window is in your default PDF reader program.


Radiation Dose Reports


The contents of a DICOM Radiation Dose SR object are displayed under the Dose Table tab in the report editor and below the report on the (default) report web page. The dose report is included in the built in report templates. Instructions for adding the dose report to custom report templates are available in the eRAD Layout XML Customization manual.


Third Party Structured Reports


The contents of a DICOM Basic Text Structured Report object are displayed under a labeled tab in the report editor and below the report on the (default) report web page. The tab label is taken from the SR object. Since the object does not contain formatting information, the contents of the structured report are limited. The field label and value are listed, usually sequentially. Nevertheless, the layout can be customized. Details are in the SR Format Configuration Manual. When a third party structure report object exists and no internally-created report object exists, the report page displays the third party object as an External Report rather than an Empty Report. Third party structured report contents are included in the built-in report templates. Instructions for adding and removing this data are available in the eRAD Layout XML Customization manual.