Submitting Reports


After you create any report component, including recording a dictation, adding text to the report impression, attaching a key image, amending a report or just changing the report state,


Submit the report using either of the following methods:

When the status toolbar displays Report Sent, the server has acquired and stored the changes.


When the viewer encounters a network problem while saving a report, it will store the report locally for submission at a later time.  To save a report locally, select the Save to hard disk option from the Report menu or report toolbar located in the Report Panel. Be aware that this is not the equivalent to submitting the report to the eRAD PACS server. The work is saved on a local machine to be reviewed at another time. When the network problems are resolved, the same study can be opened and the viewer will detect the saved report that is available. The user is then notified that there is a copy of the report saved. From the prompt, click Yes to import. The saved study is now stored to the viewer and can be saved to the eRAD PACS server.