Thumbnail Panel

In the Viewer you will see a row of thumbnails that contain the patient's name as well as the first image in the series.



Thumbnail Study Header


The thumbnail study header contains the patient's name, study date and the modality.



    1. Patient Name

    2. Study Date

    3. Modality


Thumbnail Series Header


By default, a header appears above the thumbnail image and contains the Series Description value.


    1. Series Description

    2. Visible in Frame

    3. Unviewed Stack/Image

    4. Series Number


Thumbnail Status Indicators

Located on the thumbnail series are different icons called status indicators.  These icons will specify the status of the series.  Series may contain images that are visible or contain images that haven't been viewed at all in the session. Other series may contain images that are available but may not have all been viewed.  




 Series currently visible

Contain images that haven't been viewed in the session

Have not been viewed in session


There are many combinations of the icons that may appear on the image thumbnail:


Status Indicator /Thumbnail Image


Not visible and remains unviewed in the main viewing area

Not visible and at least one image in the series remains unviewed

Not visible and all images viewed

Visible and at least one image in the series remains unviewed

Visible and all images viewed


See: Thumbnail Panel