

The Images page allows the user to adjust image zoom factors, activate auto-orientation, and customize window/level settings.


The Images Settings contains a subset menu of four customization tabs:

Auto Orientation


Auto Orientation Settings Default Description
Left/Right Auto Orientation Left Automatically set the left or right side of axial images to the right edge of the image frame
Posterior/Anterior Auto Orientation Posterior Automatically set the posterior or anterior side of sagittal and mamography images to the right edge of the image frame


See: Auto Orientation




Compression Settings Default Description
Compression Auto Algorithm used for compressing images
Wavelet Quality Lossless When using wavelet compression, use bit conserving quality factor (Lossless) or terminate the decompression when the selected ratio (N:1) is achieved


Window and Level


Window and Level Settings Default modality Description
Apply VOI LUT Enabled Apply the VOI LUT, if present, to the image when displayed
Minimum of W/L range 0 Set lower boundary for window/level
Maximum of W/L range 4096 Set upper boundary for window/level
Automatic W/L range (in %) 95 Reduce the data set to the defined distribution range
Aggressive Disabled When enabled, the window and level values calculated from the data distribution reduce high occurrences of background noise
Auto W/L setting No override Override predefined window and level settings using the internal analysis program
Unify W/L settings Disabled Override the explicit W/L value for each object in the series for a single calculated value


Note:  These settings are modality specific.



Window and Level



Zoom Settings Default Description
Zoom Mode Fit to window Set zoom mode
Magic Zoom Factor 3000 Defines the magnification applied to the data inside the magic glass window
Enhanced ROI Zoom Factor 1000 Defines the magnification applied to the enhanced ROI window
Default Snap Zoom Factor 1000 Set the magnification applied to the image after invoking any of the snap-to-functions
Progression Overlapped (in %) 10 Percentage of theimage highlighted in the progression mode border


See: Magnifying the Image